Independent Stakeholder Group

We are the Independent Stakeholder Group responsible for putting users at the heart of the National Grid Electricity Transmission RIIO T3 Business Plan.

What's it all about?

We are the ‘National Grid Electricity Transmission Independent Stakeholder Group’. What we do is in our name.

  • We are ‘Independent’ experts, and the word ‘stakeholder’ is defined as those who are, or who represent the interests of, existing or future customers or end-users of the electricity transmission system operated by National Grid.

  • We developed and produced an ISG framework for delivering on our purpose and maximising our impact. The framework includes a forward plan, inputs we can expect from NGET, evaluation criteria, logs and dashboards to track progress and ISG outputs. This has been the basis for delivering our in-year responsibilities.

The new role of the ISG

At the beginning of 2024, and with the full onset of RIIO T3 business planning, the role of the Group transitioned from being a “critical friend” and reverted to that of assessing the quality of NGET’s stakeholder engagement, to ensure that stakeholder priorities were embedded in the NGET business plan and to scrutinise and challenge the business plan propositions, using our independent areas of expertise.

This is what, therefore, instigated the change of name from Independent ‘User’ Group to Independent ‘Stakeholder’ Group. We have agreed a comprehensive work plan with NGET which enables a deep dive into all the key topics making up their RIIO 3 business plan.


The Independent Stakeholder Group's role is

  • To scrutinise and challenge company periodic business plans:

    Scrutinise and challenge the development of company regulatory business plans, consistent with Ofgem requirements

  • To monitor, interrogate and enhance transparency of performance against commitments:

    Hold National Grid to account in delivering its business plan commitments by monitoring delivery and enhancing transparency

    Act independently and publicly share its assessment as the voice of National Grid’s stakeholders

    Shaping National Grid as the pathway to Net Zero is developed and challenging how it responds to external change

  • To act as a critical friend for strategy, culture and processes in key areas after the Final Determination of RIIO T3:

    Provide input and challenge to National Grid’s priorities and activities

    Provide input and challenge to National Grid’s stakeholder engagement and ensure that it’s part of decision-making processes and plans